Sunday 1 February 2009


For the past week I've been sewing every tea break at work to create these. All made of felt & fleece, they are for a 'Nursery Rhyme Sack' for the children's library. The idea is that at Rhymetime the children pull one out of the sacks, and they sing the song. Makes Rhymetime different each week! I've still got to make the sack, but here's the innards:

A group shot! There are 12 altogether.

Row row row your boat....
(Yes, I know its a sailing boat, but you try making a rowing boat out of felt - it just looks like a log!)

Hickory dickory dock....

5 Little ducks went swimming one day...

Wibble wobble jelly on a plate...
(didn't come out too bad!)

Incy wincy spider...
(you will notice he only has 6 legs. This is because I am terrified of spiders, and can only cope with 'comedy' ones!)

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