Saturday, 31 January 2009

Just because...

Never need an excuse to show this picture. It's the best Christmas present I've ever been given!

Sunday, 25 January 2009

Not made by me...

Two cards made by my 10 year old neice - how clever is she?!

Sock Monkeys!

My absolute favourite - the Ninja Monkey. I was so pleased with how he turned out, and so was the lad who got him for Christmas!

Two girly monkeys

Matthew Monkey, with T-shirt

More stuff!

Boots the Library Bear - I didn't make him, but I am responsible for his hat and jumper, made out of a small bit of two fleece baby blanket bought from Poundland!
More sock roses - black ones this time, and not for a baby.

Some old bits

I like to make stuff. I'll try my hand at anything really. Except metal work - the big flamey thing scares me. And I can't knit. I never work from a pattern (unless its cross stitch or crochet) - I just see it in my head and try it out! Here's some things I've made. Baby sock roses. Not a very good picture!

Beige & cream birthday card.
Funky Christmas card.
Handsome Baby M cross stitch.


Well, this is my first attempt at something like this! Sure to muck it up at some point, so please excuse any mishaps!